Your music preference is the key to your serendipitous brand experiences.


Who We Are

We revolutionize
the entire brand marketing
with the power of
music and AI.


I want love from brands.

I love the brands.
But even if I adorn myself
in their philosophies,
the brands only recognize me
as “consumer data”.

the brands will discover “me”,
and to shine together,
I will continue to embrace my lifestyle, believing in my own sensibilities.

We Connect
You and Brands
through Sensibility.

The Monkeys has discovered
the “key” to digitizing
the sensibilities once hard to code,
derived from
people's music preferences.

This “key” is also the key to
the door that connects you
as an individual to the brand.

Why not join us in delivering your
true sensibilities to the brand?

We revolutionize the entire brand marketing
with the power of music
and AI.

Injecting human sensibilities into data.
Not just someone's
consumer data,
but a brand experience
that excites with
my own sensibilities.

The Monkeys aims to
build a community
where your music preferences
bridge the gap
between you and brands.


The AI prototype has
just been completed.

To build a world where music brings brands and people closer, we need your help with more data.

So, we've rolled out a fun “Brand Affinity Test*” that lets you play with your music preferences.

*currently only in Japanese.


Ryota Yamanaka's portrait

CEORyota Yamanaka

At Accenture, he led large DX projects and launched a SaaS digital marketing business for global brands. After joining Samurai Incubate, he launched an ecosystem business, driving startup support by partnering with corporations and municipalities.

Yuji Suzuki's portrait

CTOYuji Suzuki

At Accenture's Data Analysis/AI division, he led various industry data analysis and AI projects, in addition to delivering lectures at major corporations and universities for the development of data scientists.

Kensuke Miyaji's portrait

DirectorKensuke Miyaji

He has experience founding multiple companies during his graduate studies. At Accenture, he spearheaded business transformations in various industries using data analysis and AI as a managing director.